標題: Standing Desks Change the Way of Work
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Desk jobs traditionally involve a lot of sitting, but these days more and more people are opting for a standing desk instead. These taller desks are intended to get you on your feet – at least some of the time. Even high-achieving companies have made the switch to standing desk a standard part of their office environment, and health benefits are one of the main reasons why.
With all the buzz about the danger of sedentary habits and the benefits of standing desks, it may start to seem like standing all day at work is the perfect healthy solution. Of course, the answer is not that simple, but it is possible to find a healthier balance in standing vs sitting.
Any fast-food cashier standing behind a counter could attest that being on your feet for many consecutive hours a day has a negative impact on your physical and mental health – in a number of ways. Studies have shown that intervals of standing for short periods are beneficial to both your health and workplace productivity.

The best way to get office work done – while prioritizing your physical and mental health – is to find the right mix of sitting and standing for you. The sweet spot varies from person to person, but for most people who sit at a desk, the right balance means increasing how often you stand, and for how long.
Standing desks are good for you. Incorporating a sit stand desk into your daily work routine is great for your health. We know that sitting all day can be detrimental to your physical, mental, and emotional health. Regular periods of standing can make you more productive and make working more enjoyable.
Office workers spend at least 8 hours a day working at a desk. At the end of the day, that leaves many nursing aches and pains or general dissatisfactions. However, with an investment of time and effort, and enhanced office furniture choices, any workplace can begin to realize the big impacts of an ergonomic office, that is to use a standing desk or an adjustable height desk.
Sedentary modern lifestyles are linked to a range of health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure, and neck and back pains. Workstations that are poorly designed only contribute to the increased risk of workplace injuries. The good news is that a focus on an electric standing desk in the workplace has been shown to reduce sick days from various injuries, as well as the costs associated with them.
Ergonomic improvements of standing computer desk help reduce the pain that results from unnatural positions like hunching over keyboards or typing with improper form. Working without pain allows people to maintain flow, work without distraction, and reduce error rates. People who are able to work longer in comfort are simply able to get more done. Reduced pain results in higher productivity, greater efficiency, and better ideas overall.
If standing is so good for you, how do you know when to stop? Most people ask themselves this question, in one way or another, as they increase their time standing at a height adjustable workstation.
As with all good things, it's possible to stand too long. The best way you know it's been too long is whenever you feel that standing is making your current task more difficult. In other words, if you are feeling restless, having difficulty concentrating, or experiencing muscle strain, you've probably been standing too long. A quick position change is probably in order.
If you've never used a L-shaped standing desk before, it takes time to get comfortable with how often and how long you are standing. By starting with just 5 minutes at a time, you can begin to find a balance that works best for you. Whenever standing becomes distracting or uncomfortable, take a break to move, stretch, and refocus your eyes.

The exact right ratio of sitting to standing will differ from person to person. Many ergonomic experts recommend that adjustable desk with drawers users start slowly, working up to standing about 5-15 minutes out of every hour.
Standing, walking, and moving at least 2 hours in an 8-hour workday confers the most benefit. And remember that any movement during the day counts – trips to the coffee pot or the conference room, a walk around the office or the house, a few brief stretches. A standing gaming desk just makes it easier to meet your overall goal.
If you want to stay healthy while working, a small standing desk from FEZIBO is the easiest way to make a real difference.
Ergonomic office chairs are designed to place your comfort and good posture above all else. Expect to be fully supported with backrests, soft seat cushions. Besides, best ergonomic office chair can help ease lower back pain, give support to the spine, keep joints in a neutral position, and alleviate neck and shoulder pains. Using ergonomic office products can also reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders that damage the neck and back.